Saturday, March 2, 2024

I am a Woman, Of Course


It's March, women's month! Ended up writing a poem (?) as I was trying to answer the statement, "I am a woman, of course _____" posted by the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) as an infographic. 

Here's the poem:

I am a woman, of course 

by Ivee Bongosia


I am a woman, of course

They tell me to speak my mind

But not too much

Or I’ll be labeled difficult.


I am a woman, of course

I must express how I feel

But not too much

Or they’ll think I’m unhinged


I am a woman, of course

I lead with confidence

But not too much

Or they’ll hate me for being bossy


I am a woman, of course

I maintain an OK body

Just make it OK, not too skinny, muscular, curvy, plump

Because anything too much is not OK


I am a woman, of course

I must balance home, work, hobbies, socials

And settle for the residuals of my time

To finally let it all loose and just be


I am a woman, of course

I should tell my story

But don’t make it too too long,

Or they'll interrupt mid-way with “Well, actually…”


I am a woman, of course

They tell me to smile more

But not too much

Or I’ll be seen as over-eager, insincere, weak.


I am a woman, of course

I wear what I want

But they say that too demure won’t get me dates

And too sexy might get me raped


I am a woman, of course

I am strong

But not too strong, OK

Don’t be too proud, too self-reliant, it’s not feminine they say


I am a woman, of course

I follow my heart

But don’t be too out there they say,

And don’t be too perfect, too flawed

Too settled, too unfettered

Too expansive, too reserved

As if being too anything

Might disrupt something in them

As if being too raw, too real

Might take away their ripeness

Their aliveness

But I am as alive too.

I am a woman, of course

I care, I give, I make

I've carved out my space.

And I exist as me.

Just like you.

And I will always hold and harness

What is true, good, beautiful, strong, and real

Because I am a woman, of course.

Written: March 2, 2024

(stock photo from Canva)